Thursday, Sept 13th
Friday, Sept 14th
Saturday, Sept 15th
Thursday, Sept 13th
09:45 | Introduction Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg) Welcome Address: Wolfgang Herzog (Heidelberg) (Lecture Hall) | |
Section I | Phenomenological and Existential Dimensions of Intercorporeality | |
10:15 | Lanei Rodemeyer (Pittsburgh) Time, the Body, and the Other (Lecture Hall) | |
11:00 | Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen) Embodied Communities (Lecture Hall) | |
11:45 | Coffee Break | |
12:15 | Hanne De Jaegher (San Sebastián, Basque Country) Loving and Knowing (Lecture Hall) | |
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Matthew Ratcliffe (Vienna) Grief and Intersubjectivity (Lecture Hall) | |
Parallel Sessions Section A | Parallel Sessions Section B | |
15:15 | 1) Alan Koster (Aalborg) Longing for Concreteness and the Importance of Embodying the Other: The case of grief (Room 712/725) | 2) Corinna Reck (Munich) Early Mother-Infant-Interaction and Embodiment (Room 718/19) |
3) Shogo Tanaka (Tokai, Japan) Body, Self-Reflection, and Otherness (Room 712/725) | 4) Sabine Koch (Alfter / Heidelberg) The Body and its Dimensions: Space, Time, Gravity and Attachment (Room 718/19) |
16:15 | Coffee Break | |
Parallel Sessions Section A | Parallel Sessions Section B | |
16:45 | 5) Rainer Holm-Hadulla (Heidelberg) Constructive and Destructive Embodiment in Pop-Culture (Room 712/725) | 6) Christoph Durt (Vienna) The Paradox of Subjectivity and what it Reveals about the Self (Room 718/19) |
7) Martin Dornberg (Freiburg) Extended Body – Extended Healing (Room 712/725) | 8) José Ignacio Murillo Gómez Growth as a key to Understanding Organic and Psychic Life (Room 718/19) |
Section II | Temporality, Interaction and Disorders | |
17:45 | Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg) Why Does Mental Illness Exist? Reflections on Human Vulnerability (Lecture Hall) | |
Evening Lecture | Old Lecture Hall, Old University, University Square | |
19:30 | Shaun Gallagher (Memphis) Intrinsic temporality in depression (Old Lecture Hall, Old University, University Square) | |
20:30 | Bel Etage: Reception |
Friday, Sept 14th
09:00 | Ezequiel Di Paolo (San Sebastián, Basque Country) From Sensorimotor Agency to Linguistic Bodies: An Enactive Roadmap (Lecture Hall) |
09:45 | Tom Froese (Mexico City) Integrating Phenomenology and Systems Theory: Time and the Other in Schizophrenia as a Case Study (Lecture Hall) |
10:30 | Coffee Break | ||
Parallel Sessions Section A | Parallel Sessions Section B | Parallel Sessions Section C | |
11:00 | 9) Adrian Nicholas Spremberg (São Paulo) Anomalous Subjective Experiences of the ‘Self’ and World: Perspectives of a Clinical, Enactive and Psychopathological Staging in Patients with Psychosis (Room 703/14) | 10) Philipp Schmidt (Vienna) Affect, Dysregulation, and Identity Disturbances. The Body in Borderline Personality Disorder (Room 718/19) | 11)Erik Norman Dzwiza (Köln) The Occasional Structure of the Life-World. A New Way of Analysis and Therapy of Neurodegenerative Diseases? (Room 712) |
1130 | 12) Mauro Pallagrosi (Rom) Intersubjectivity in the Diagnostic Process in Psychiatry (Room 703/14) | 13) Makoto Wada (Osaka) Psychotherapeutic Understanding and Empathy for a Cancer Patient Fearing Death ― Intersubjectivity and “Gestaltkreis” (Room 718/19) | 14) Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca (Mexico City) Interbodily Resonance from a Time-Series Perspective (Room 712) |
Parallel Sessions Section A | Parallel Sessions Section B | Parallel Sessions Section C | |
12:00 | 15) Sonja Frohoff (Heidelberg) Time, the Body and the Other in Katharina Detzel’s Puppet from the Prinzhorn Collection (Room 703/14) | 16) Oren Bader(Tel Aviv) The bodily presence of others and the construction of the subject’s extended attentional field (Room 718/19) | 17) Svetlana Sholokhova (Brussels) A Phenomenological Approach to the Psychiatrist’s Subjective Experience (Room 712) |
12:30 | 18) Stefan Kristensen (Geneva) Dual Aspectivity in psychoanalytical psychosomatics (Room 703/14) | 19) Daniel Vespermann (Heidelberg) Intentionality (and Rationality) of Affective Atmospheres (Room 718/19) | 20) Valeria Bizzari & Veronica Iubei (Gragnola) Embodiment, Affective Resonance and Time in Melancholic Depression (Room 712) |
13:00 | Lunch | ||
14:30 | Giovanni Stanghellini (Chieti/Florence) Body, Self and Identity in Persons with Eating Disorders. A Sartrean Perspective (Lecture Hall) |
Section III | Phenomenological and Embodied Approaches to Psychopathology |
15:15 | Louis Sass (New York) Body and Soul: Reflections on an Indigenous Nosology of Mental Disorders (Lecture Hall) |
16:00 | Coffee Break | ||
16:30 | Dorothée Legrand (Paris) The Body: Another Phenomenological and Psychanalytic Perspective (Lecture Hall) |
Related Topics on Thomas Fuchs´ Works Chair: Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Graz) (Lecture Hall) |
17:15 | Stefano Micali, Leuven Phenomenology of Ego-Splitting (Lecture Hall) | ||
17:50 | Thiemo Breyer, Köln Empathy and Imagination (Lecture Hall) |
19:30 | Conference Dinner – Prinz Carl Palais | ||
————— |
Saturday, Sept 15th
Section III | Phenomenological and Embodied Approaches to Psychopathology Continuation |
09:00 | Peter Henningsen (Munich) Bodily Distress, Embodied Mentalization and the Predictive Brain. (Lecture Hall) | |
Topics Related to Thomas Fuchs‘ Works Chair: Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Graz) (Lecture Hall) | ||
9:45 | Sanneke De Haan (Berlin / Amsterdam) Relational authenticity in psychiatry (Lecture Hall) | |
10:20 | Michela Summa (Würzburg / Kassel) Phenomenology of Body Memory: Its Relevance for the Inquiry into Self-Experience, Social Experience and their Disturbances (Lecture Hall) | |
10:55 | Coffee Break | |
11:30 | Zeno Van Duppen (Mechelen) Time and Schizophrenia: a Phenomenological Approach (Lecture Hall) | |
Section III | Phenomenological and Embodied Approaches to Psychopathology Continuation | |
12:05 | Nathalie Depraz (Paris) Micro-Phenomenology of Chronicity in Psycho-Somatic Diseases (Diabetes, Anorexia, Schizophrenia) (Lecture Hall) | |
12:50 | Conclusion (Lecture Hall) |